by Dan O'Donovan and David Hunt


The Intel® Edison platform contains external input/output pin connections which may be configured to be used in a variety of interfacing modes, such as GPIO, PWM, SPI, I2C, ADC, for compatibility with Arduino Uno shield hardware. This article describes the pin functions available, detailed GPIO pin mapping for pin control and I/O, and use of Linux command line tools to configure the external I/O pin functions correctly for the desired mode of operation.

  1. To use the information in this guide, all you need is access to the Linux command line on an Intel® Edison Arduino baseboard. If you want to dig a bit deeper, then the schematics should be available at in the Edison Community section.


GPIO allocation and shield pin control

The 20 Arduino-compatible shield I/O pins on the Edison board are numbered IO0-IO19 (see Figure 1 below). All pins support basic GPIO functionality. Some of the pins also support PWM, ADC, SPI or I2C functions. Selection of different pin functions on Edison is achieved through use of SoC pin control interfaces and GPIO output signals dedicated for multiplexing control. The following sections detail the mapping of each of the GPIO pins available on Edison platform to their respective functions, which can be broadly categorised as follows:

  • External GPIO
    • Used for digital input/output signalling via the external shield pins
  • Pin multiplexing control
    • Used for selecting different functions available on a given shield pin
  • Pin buffer (level-shifter) direction control
    • Used to configure the buffer on a given shield pin for input or output
  • Pin pull-up resistor control
    • Used to enable/disable a pull-up resistor on a given shield pin
  • Miscellaneous

To use any of the supported functions on a shield pin, it is first necessary to configure the multiplexing, buffer direction, and pull-up resistor controls applicable to that pin.    


Intel Edison Arduino

Figure 1. Intel® Edison Arduino board


Shield pin GPIO mapping

The following table describes the mapping of GPIO and PWM pin numbers (in Linux) to shield I/O pins. The following details are included:

  • Shield Pin – Digital I/O pin number as per Arduino Uno pin numbering scheme
  • Linux – The pin number assigned under Linux
  • Muxed Functions – Other signals available on this shield pin
  • Shield GPIO PWM Muxed functions Notes
    Pin Linux Pin Linux Pin
    IO0 130   UART1_RXD  
    IO1 131   UART1_TXD  
    IO2 128   UART1_CTS*  
    IO3 12 0 PWM0 Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO4 129   UART1_RTS*  
    IO5 13 1 PWM1 Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO6 182 2 PWM2 Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO7 48   -  
    IO8 49   -  
    IO9 183 3 PWM3 Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO10 41 Swiz SPI_2_SS1  
    PWM4_OUT Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO11 43 Swiz SPI_2_TXD  
    PWM5_OUT Depends on PWM Swizzler**
    IO12 42   SPI_2_RXD  
    IO13 40   SPI_2_CLK  
    IO14 44   AIN0  
    IO15 45   AIN1  
    IO16 46   AIN2  
    IO17 47   AIN3  
    IO18 14   AIN4  
    IO19 165   AIN5  
  • Table 1: Shield pin GPIO mapping

* Some additional functions are available on certain SoC pins, such as I2S and UART flow control, but are not currently planned to be supported by the Arduino library. However, it may be possible to utilise these from Linux.
** The SoC offers only 4 PWM pins. A jumper pin matrix labelled “PWM swizzler” on the base board allows these 4 pins to be connected to any subset of the 6 shield header pins normally used for PWM. From the factory, IO3, IO5, IO6 and IO9 will be connected to the 4 available SoC PWM pins as described above. This can be manually altered to connect IO10 or IO11.


Summary Pin Function Multiplexing Control

All GPIO pins on the Arduino header require some intenal GPIOs to be set up before the pin is usable. This is usually as simple as setting an output enable, pull-up enable and mode. However, some pins have extra functionality such as SPI, PWM, or I2C, so these pins need extra multiplexing (muxing) in order to be usable. 

The table below attempts to simplify this so that a programmer can easily see all the muxing pins affected for a given Arduino header pin. The colour codes in the table show related boxes. For example the blue boxes are meant to show the relationship between the Pin Mux pins and the Pin Modes. 

This table is a synopsis of the more detailed tables below, which contain extra information such as schematic pin numbers. For most needs, this synopsized table should suffice. 

  Linux GPIO Pin GPIO Pin Mux SoC Pin Modes Output Enable * (high = output) Pull-up Enable**
    Linux Pin 0 (low) 1 (high) 0 1 Linux Linux
IO0 130       GPIO UART 248 216
IO1 131       GPIO UART 249 217
IO2 128       GPIO UART 250 218
IO3 12       GPIO PWM 251 219
IO4 129       GPIO UART 252 220
IO5 13       GPIO PWM 253 221
IO6 182       GPIO PWM 254 222
IO7 48       GPIO   255 223
IO8 49       GPIO   256 224
IO9 183       GPIO PWM 257 225
IO10 41 263 PWM see 240 GPIO I2S or SPI 258 226
240 GPIO or I2S GPIO or SPI_FS
IO11 43 262 PWM see 241 GPIO I2S or SPI 259 227
IO12 42 242 GPIO or I2S GPIO or SPI RXD GPIO I2S or SPI 260 228
IO13 40 243 GPIO or I2S GPIO or SPI CLK GPIO I2S or SPI 261 229
IO14  (A0) 44 200 GPIO A0 GPIO   232 208
IO15  (A1) 45 201 GPIO A1 GPIO   233 209
IO16  (A2) 46 202 GPIO A2 GPIO   234 210
IO17  (A3) 47 203 GPIO A3 GPIO   235 211
IO18  (A4) 14 204 GPIO or I2C SDA A4 GPIO I2C-6 236 212
IO19  (A5) 165 205 GPIO or I2C SCL A5 GPIO I2C-6 237 213

Note: Before setting up any muxing, it is recommended to set pin 214 (TRI_STATE_ALL) LOW, make all your changes, then set pin 214 HIGH again. 

Example 1: Setting up IO0 for output. Pin 0 has no muxing requirements, so just needs output enable and pull-up enable set. 
Exampel 2: Setting IO10 to SPI, 263 needs to be set HIGH, which enables non-PWM functionality, contolled by 240. 240 needs to be set HIGH, and then setting the SoC Pin Mode to mode1 selects the SPI function.

There are several more detailed examples at the end of this article.


GPIO interrupt support

All GPIO inputs on the Edison platform are interrupt-capable, and all interrupt types are supported on all inputs. The following table lists the specific edge- and level-triggered interrupt types which are supported on each pin.

ShieldPin GPIO Edge-Triggered Level-Triggered*
Source Pin Linux Rising Falling Both Low High
IO0 SoC GP130_UART1_RXD 130 Y Y Y Y Y
IO1 SoC GP131_UART1_TXD 131 Y Y Y Y Y
IO2IO3 SoC GP128_UART1_CTS 128 Y Y Y Y Y
SoC GP12_PWM0 12 Y Y Y Y Y
IO4IO5 SoC GP129 129 Y Y Y Y Y
SoC GP13_PWM1 13 Y Y Y Y Y
IO6 SoC GP182_PWM2 182 Y Y Y Y Y
IO7 SoC GP48 48 Y Y Y Y Y
IO8 SoC GP49 49 Y Y Y Y Y
IO9 SoC GP183_PWM3 183 Y Y Y Y Y
IO10 SoC GP41 41 Y Y Y Y Y
IO11 SoC GP43 43 Y Y Y Y Y
IO12 SoC GP42 42 Y Y Y Y Y
IO13 SoC GP40 40 Y Y Y Y Y
IO14 SoC GP44 44 Y Y Y Y Y
IO15 SoC GP45 45 Y Y Y Y Y
IO16 SoC GP46 46 Y Y Y Y Y
IO17 SoC GP47 47 Y Y Y Y Y
IO18 SoC GP14 14 Y Y Y Y Y
IO19 SoC GP165 165 Y Y Y Y Y

Table 2: GPIO Interrupt Support
* Level-triggered interrupts are not supported by the Arduino library, a limitation of the GPIO sysfs interface.


Detailed Pin Function Multiplexing Control

The following table lists the GPIO outputs dedicated to pin multiplexing control. Different functions may be selected for specific shield I/O pins by setting these GPIO outputs to 0/1 (low/high). Additionally, some of the SoC GPIO pins also feature internal mux options. These are listed as “SoC Pin Modes”. Currently, these are configured by setting the required pin mode for the corresponding SoC GPIO pin N, via /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpioN/current_pinmux, to “mode[0/1/2/...]”

ShieldPin GPIO Pin Mux SoC Pin Modes
Pin Linux 0 (low) 1 (high) Power-on default Pin Linux 0 1 2
IO0 -         GP130 130 GPIO UART  
IO1 -         GP131 131 GPIO UART  
IO2 -         GP128 128 GPIO UART  
IO3 -         GP12 12 GPIO PWM  
IO4 -         GP129 129 GPIO UART  
IO5 -         GP13 13 GPIO PWM  
IO6 -         GP182 182 GPIO PWM  
IO7 -         GP48 48 GPIO    
IO8 -         GP49 49 GPIO    
IO9 -         GP183 183 GPIO PWM  
IO10 U34_ IO1.7 263 PWM4_OUT GP41 SSP5_FS_1 Pulled-down input GP41 GP111 41 111 GPIO GPIO I2S SPI  
U16_ IO1.0 240 GP41 SSP5_FS_1 Pulled-up input*  
IO11 U34_ IO1.6 262 PWM5_OUT GP43 SSP5_TXD Pulled-down input GP43 GP115 43 115 GPIO GPIO I2S SPI  
U16_ IO1.1 241 GP43 SSP5_TXD Pulled-up input*  
IO12 U16_ IO1.2 242 GP42 SSP5_RXD Pulled-up input* GP42 GP114 42 114 GPIO GPIO I2S SPI  
IO13 U16_ IO1.3 243 GP40 SSP5_CLK Pulled-up input* GP40 GP109 40 109 GPIO GPIO I2S SPI  
IO14 U17_ IO0.0 200 GP44 A0 Pulled-up input* GP44 44 GPIO    
IO15 U17_ IO0.1 201 GP45 A1 Pulled-up input* GP45 45 GPIO    
IO16 U17_ IO0.2 202 GP46 A2 Pulled-up input* GP46 46 GPIO    
IO17 U17_ IO0.3 203 GP47 A3 Pulled-up input* GP47 47 GPIO    
IO18 U17_ IO0.4 204 GP14 I2C6_SDA A4 Pulled-up input* GP14 GP27 14 27 GPIO GPIO I2C-6 I2C-8
IO19 U17_ IO0.5 205 GP165 I2C6_SCL A5 Pulled-up input* GP165 GP28 165 28 GPIO GPIO I2C-6 I2C-8

Table 3: Pin Function Multiplexing Control  
* These pins are pulled-up inputs at power-on. This effectively enables the Mux switches (i.e. Mux function 1 is selected).        


Pin direction and pull-up control

For most shield pins on the Edison board, there is a buffer/level-shifter which needs to be configured for input or output direction, and an external 47k pull-up/down resistor which may be optionally enabled. Both are driven by dedicated GPIO outputs, listed below. When configuring a shield pin as an output, it is advisable to configure the buffer for output BEFORE setting the SoC GPIO pin direction to output. To disconnect the external pull-up/down resistors, it is necessary to configure as high-impedance inputs the GPIOs which drive them. Note also that the GPIO signals from the PCAL9555A GPIO expanders have internal 100k pull-up resistors which are connected to the GPIO pins by default. These need to be disabled in many cases, by configuring those pins as high-impedance inputs.

Shield pin Output Enable GPIO (high = output) Pull-up Enable GPIO
Pin Linux Power-on default Pin Linux Power-on default
IO0 U34_ IO0.0 248 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 216 Pulled-up input**
IO1 U34_ IO0.1 249 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 217 Pulled-up input**
IO2 U34_ IO0.2 250 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 218 Pulled-up input**
IO3 U34_ IO0.3 251 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 219 Pulled-up input**
IO4 U34_ IO0.4 252 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 220 Pulled-up input**
IO5 U34_ IO0.5 253 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 221 Pulled-up input**
IO6 U34_ IO0.6 254 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.0 222 Pulled-up input**
IO7 U34_ IO0.7 255 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 223 Pulled-up input**
IO8 U34_ IO1.0 256 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 224 Pulled-up input**
IO9 U34_ IO1.1 257 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 225 Pulled-up input**
IO10 U34_ IO1.2 258 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 226 Pulled-up input**
IO11 U34_ IO1.3 259 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 227 Pulled-up input**
IO12 U34_ IO1.4 260 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 228 Pulled-up input**
IO13 U34_ IO1.5 261 Pulled-down* U39_IO0.7 229 Pulled-up input**
IO14 U16_ IO0.0 232 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.0 208 Pulled-up input**
IO15 U16_ IO0.1 233 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.1 209 Pulled-up input**
IO16 U16_ IO0.2 234 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.2 210 Pulled-up input**
IO17 U16_ IO0.3 235 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.3 211 Pulled-up input**
IO18 U16_ IO0.4 236 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.4 212 Pulled-up input**
IO19 U16_ IO0.5 237 Pulled-down* U17_ IO1.5 213 Pulled-up input**

Table 4: Pin direction and pull-up control  
* These pins are externally pulled-down inputs at power-on. This effectively selects input direction for level shifters.
** These pins are internally pulled-up inputs at power-on. This effectively enables pull-ups (as 100k + 47k in series).      


Miscellaneous GPIOs

The following GPIOs are used other platform functions and for Arduino shield compatibility.

Function GPIO Direction Power-on default Initial setup
Pin Linux
TRI_STATE_ALL U17_IO1.6 214 Output Pulled-down  
SHLD_RESET U17_IO1.7 215 Output Pulled-up input*  
SHLD_RESET U17_IO0.7 207 Input Pulled-up input*  

Table 5: Miscellaneous GPIOs   * These pins are pulled-up inputs at power-on. In this state, they have the same effect as outputs set high.  


Shield pin configuration guide

  1. Identify the Arduino shield pin number of the pin you wish to use, in the range IO0-IO19.
  2. Identify the functions available for the given pin, and select the function you wish to use
    1. Typical functions are GPIO, PWM, UART, I2C, SPI, ADC.
    2. Only some functions are available on each pin.
  3. Determine which GPIO signals, if any, need to be configured to select the correct pin muxing option for the selected function. Some pins only have a single function, or do not require mux control.
  4. Determine which GPIO signals, if any, need to be configured to select the pin buffer direction for input or output, and determine the direction that is required.
  5. Determine which GPIO signals, if any, need to be configured to select the pull-up resistor control, and whether the pull-up resistor should be enabled or disabled. Generally, for most pin functions, the pull-up resistors should typically be disabled. For GPIO input functions, the pull-up resistor may optionally be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the user.
  6. Export the above GPIO numbers for access in the Linux user-space environment (i.e. from the command shell)
  7. Configure the above GPIO numbers for output
  8. Assert the TRI_STATE_ALL signal to disconnect the shield pins
  9. Set the above GPIO numbers to assert their output logic levels as high or low.
  10. Set the SoC GPIO pin mode for the required functionality
  11. De-assert the TRI_STATE_ALL signal to reconnect the shield pins


Example 1: Configure IO5 as a GPIO input, with pull-up resistor disabled

  1. The shield number is IO5. According to Table 1, the GPIO number is 13.
  2. The function required is GPIO. According to Table 1, other functions available on this shield pin are: PWM
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 43 pin-mux must be set to mode0 to select GPIO According to Table 4, GPIO 253 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for IO5.
  4. According to Table 4, GPIO 221 must be set as a high-impedance input to disable the external pull-up resistor for IO5.
  5. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

  So, the commands in Linux to achieve this are as follows:

# echo 13 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 253 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 221 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio253/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio221/direction
# echo mode0 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio13/current_pinmux
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO5 as a GPIO input. For example:  

# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/value  


Example 2: Configure IO11 as a GPIO input, with pull-up resistor disabled

  1. The shield number is IO11. According to Table 1, the GPIO number is 43.
  2. The function required is GPIO. According to Table 1, other functions available on this shield pin are: PWM, SPI, I2S
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 262 must be set to 1 to select GPIO/SPI, GPIO 241 must be set to 0 to select GPIO, and GPIO 43 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode0’ to select GPIO
  4. According to Table 4, GPIO 259 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for IO11.
  5. According to Table 4, GPIO 227 must be set as a high-impedance input to disable the external pull-up resistor for IO5.
  6. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

  So, the commands in Linux to achieve this are as follows:

# echo 43 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 262 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 241 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 259 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 227 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio262/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio241/direction
# echo mode0 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio43/current_pinmux
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio259/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio227/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio43/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO11 as a GPIO input. For example:  

# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio43/value    


Example 2: Configure IO7 as a GPIO input, with pull-up resistor enabled

  1. The shield number is IO7. According to Table 1, the GPIO number is 48.
  2. The function required is GPIO. According to Table 1, there are no other functions available on this pin
  3. For IO7, there are no applicable mux options listed in Table 3.
  4. According to Table 4, GPIO 255 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for IO7.
  5. According to Table 4, GPIO 223 must be set to output high to enable the external pull-up resistor for IO7.
  6. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

# echo 48 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 255 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 223 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio255/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio223/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio48/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO7 as a GPIO input. For example:  

# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio48/value    


Example 3: Configure IO6 as a PWM output

  1. The shield number is IO6. According to Table 1, the GPIO number is 182.
  2. The function required is PWM. According to Table 1, other functions available on this pin are: GPIO
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 182 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select PWM
  4. According to Table 4, GPIO 254 must be set to 1 to enable the output direction for IO6.
  5. According to Table 4, GPIO 222 must be set as a high-impedance input to disable the pull-up resistor for IO6.
  6. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

# echo 254 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 222 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio254/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio222/direction
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio182/current_pinmux
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO6 as a PWM ouput. For example:

# echo 2 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export
# echo 2000000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm2/duty_cycle
# echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm2/enable  


Example 3: Configure IO14 as an ADC input

Note on ADC usage: The ADC sits on the SPI bus, and as such the SPI pins need to be set to a valid configuration (after cold boot) before the ADC can be used. Just Pins 10-13 as input (even just setting pin 13 will do), and the ADC will then function fine on 14-19. 

  1. The shield number is IO14. According to Table 1, the GPIO number is 44.
  2. The function required is ADC. According to Table 1, other functions available on this pin are: GPIO
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 200 must be set to 1 to select ADC.
  4. According to Table 4, GPIO 232 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for IO14.
  5. Any GPIO lines which are directly connected to IO14 should be configured as high-impedance inputs to prevent possible current leakage. According to Table 4, GPIO 208 is used to enable a pull-up resistor for IO14.
  6. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

  So, the commands in Linux to achieve this are as follows:

# echo 200 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 232 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 208 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio200/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio232/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio208/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO14 as an ADC input. For example:

# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1/in_voltage0_raw  


Example 4: Configure IO18/IO19 for I2C connectivity

  1. The shield number is IO18 and IO19. Corresponding GPIO numbers are 28 and 27, respectively.
  2. The function required is I2C. According to Table 1, other functions available on these pins are: GPIO, ADC
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 204 must be set to 0 to select GPIO/I2C, and GPIO 28 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select I2C for IO18
  4. According to Table 3, GPIO 205 must be set to 0 to select GPIO/I2C, and GPIO 27 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select I2C for IO19
  5. GPIO 14 and GPIO 165 are also connected to the I2C signals, and should be configured as high-impedance inputs when I2C is in use on these pins, to prevent them driving a signal on the I2C bus.
  6. According to Table 4, GPIO 236 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for GPIO 14, and GPIO 237 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for GPIO 165.
  7. According to Table 4, GPIO 212 and 213 must be set as high-impedance inputs to disable the pull-up resistors for IO18 and IO19, respectively.
  8. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

  So, the commands in Linux to achieve this are as follows:

# echo 28 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 27 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 204 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 205 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 236 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 237 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 14 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 165 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 212 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 213 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio204/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio205/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio14/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio165/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio236/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio237/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio212/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio213/direction
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio28/current_pinmux
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio27/current_pinmux
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction

Now, it should be possible to use IO18 and IO19 for I2C communication.  


Example 5: Configure IO10-13 for SPI connectivity

  1. The shield pins are IO10, IO11, IO12 and IO13. Corresponding GPIO numbers are GPIO 111, 115, 114, and 109, respectively.
  2. The function required is SPI. According to Table 1, other functions available on these pins are: GPIO, PWM
  3. According to Table 3, GPIO 263 must be set to 1 to select GPIO/SPI, GPIO 240 must be set to 1 to select SPI, and GPIO 111 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select SPI for IO10
  4. According to Table 3, GPIO 262 must be set to 1 to select GPIO/SPI, GPIO 241 must be set to 1 to select SPI, and GPIO 115 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select SPI for IO11
  5. According to Table 3, GPIO 242 must be set to 1 to select SPI, and GPIO 114 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select SPI for IO12
  6. According to Table 3, GPIO 243 must be set to 1 to select SPI, and GPIO 109 pin-mux must be set to ‘mode1’ to select SPI for IO13
  7. According to Table 4, GPIO 258 must be set to 1 to enable the output direction for IO10, GPIO 259 must be set to 1 to enable the output direction for IO11, GPIO 260 must be set to 0 to disable the output direction for IO12, and GPIO 261 must be set to 1 to enable the output direction for IO13.
  8. According to Table 4, GPIOs 226-229 must be set as high-impedance inputs to disable the pull-up resistors for IO10-13.
  9. According to Table 5, the TRI_STATE_ALL signal is controlled by GPIO 214

  So, the commands in Linux to achieve this are as follows:

# echo 111 > /sys/class/gpio/expor
# echo 115 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 114 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 109 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 263 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 240 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 262 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 241 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 242 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 243 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 258 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 259 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 260 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 261 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 226 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 227 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 228 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 229 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo 214 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio263/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio240/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio262/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio241/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio242/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio243/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio258/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio259/direction
# echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio260/direction
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio261/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio226/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio227/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio228/direction
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio229/direction
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio111/current_pinmux
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio115/current_pinmux
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio114/current_pinmux
# echo mode1 > /sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio109/current_pinmux
# echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio214/direction


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Emutex is a software engineering company based in Ireland. We are passionate about developing innovative software solutions for embedded systems. To learn more about us, please visit our company website: